Sincero para com Theos
(primeira parte)
ARMSTRON, Karen, A History of God. 4000 años de búsqueda en el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el islam, Paidós Internacional 1995, 521 pp
BARING, Anne, CASHFORD, Jules, The Myth of the Goddess. Viking 1991 England. El mito de la diosa, Siruela, Madrid 1991, 851 pp
BECKING, Bob (ed.), One Only God? Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the veneration of Goddess Asherah. Sheffield Academic Press, NY 2001, 234 pp
BELLAH, Robert, Religion in Human Evolution. From the Paleolithic, to axial age. Harward University Press, Cambridge USA, 2011, 777 pp
CUPITT, Don, After God, BasicBooks, HarperCollins, NY 1997, p. 62.
DEL OLMO, Gregorio, De los 1.000 y más dioses al Dios único. Cuantificación de los panteones orientales: de Egipto a Cartago. In: Actas II Congreso Internacional del Mundo Púnico. Cartagena, 6-9 abril 2000. In: revista «Estudios Orientales» nº 5-6 (2001-2002) 19-32.
DEVER, William, Did God Have a Wife? Archaeology and folk religion in Ancient Israel. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, 2005, 361 pp
EATWOT (Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians), The New Biblical Archaeological Paradigm. In VOICES Theological Journal, 2015-3&4, multilingual issue, freely digitally available at
EATWOT, Deep Ecology Spirituality, monographic multilingual issue, VOICES 2014–2&3, freely digitally available at
EISLER, Riane, The Chalice and the Blade. Our History, our Future. HarperCollins 1995.
FINKELSTEIN, Israel, The Bible Unearthed. Archaeology's New Vision on Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. Simon & Shuster, London, NY, Sydney, 2001, 385 pp
GIMBUTAS, M., Bronze Age Cultures in Central and Easter Europe, Mouton & Co., Paris-London 1965, 780 pp
GIMBUTAS, Marija, The three waves of the kurgan people into Old Europe, 4500-2500 B.C., «Archives suisses d’antropologie générale 43/2 (1979) 113-117.
GIMBUTAS, M., Diosas y dioses de la Vieja Europa (7000-3500 a.C.), Siruela, Madrid, 2014,
HALTON, Eugene, From the Axial Age to the Moral Revolution. Stuart-Glennie, Jaspers & a New Understanding of the Idea. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014, 160 pp
HUXLEY, Julian, Religión sin Revelación, Editorial Sudamericana, BsAs, 1967, 296 pp
KATONA, A.L., Proto-Greeks and the Kurgan Theory, «The Journal of Indo-European Studies» 28 / 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2000) 65-100.
KAUFFMANN, Stuart, Reinventing the Sacred, New View of Science, Reason & Religion, Basic Books, 2008, 324 pp
KAUFFMANN, S., At home in the Universe, Oxford University Press, 1995.
KEARNEY, Richard, Anatheism. Returning to God after God. Columbia Univ. Press, NY 2010, 271 pp
KOMOROCZY, G., The Separation of Sky and Earth. The cycle of Kumarbi and the Myths of Cosmogony in Mesopotamia. «Acta Antiqua». Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae XXI (1973) 21-46, Budapest.
LENAERS, R., Viver em Deus sem deus. Paulus, São Paulo, 2014, 280pp Aunque no haya un Dios ahí arriba. Vivir en Dios sin dios. Colección Tiempo Axial 16, Abyayala, Quito 2013, 214 pp
LENAERS, Roger, El no teísmo, como último paso. RELaT 430,
McFAGUE, Sally, Models of God, Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1987.
O’MURCHU, Diarmuid, Reclaiming Spirituality. A new spiritual framework for today's world. Crossroad NY 1999, 197 pp
REICH, David, Who We Are and How We Got Here. Ancient DNA and the new science of the human past. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK 2018. 368 pp
RIES, Julien (coord.), BOYER, GIMBUTAS et alii, El hombre indoeuropeo y lo sagrado, Trotta, Madrid 1995, 367 pp
RÖMER, Thomas, L’invention de Dieu, Seuil, Paris, 2014, 340 pp
SPONG, John Shelby, A New Christianity for a New World. Why Traditional Faith is Dying & How a New Faith is being born. HarperCollings 2002 New York. Edição brasileira: Um cristianismo novo para um mundo novo. A fé além dos dogmas. Verus, Campinas 2001, 274 pp
SPONG, J.S., Twelve Theses on Theism. Call for a New Reformation, in Latin American Agenda’2011, p. 227; and in «Horizonte», PUC-Minas, vol. 13, no. 37, Jan./Mar. 2015 – Dossiê: Paradigma Pós-religional (Número especial):
STAUDACHER, W., Die Trennung von Himmel und Erde, Tübingen 1942.
VAUGHAN-LEE, Ll. (ed) et alii, Écologie Spirituel, Mille et une vies, Montreal 2017, 375 pp
VIGIL, José María, Théisme : modèle utile, mais pas absolu pour « imaginer » Dieu. Agenda Latinoamericana’2011, p. 142-143.
VIGIL, José María, Humans, Nature and God. 2.0. Renewing the Central Paradigm of our Worldview. In post-Vatican II theological way, em:éMaríaVIGIL
VIGIL, JM., The New Biblical Archaeological Paradigm. VOICES 2015-3&4. (Full issue, número completo), em:éMaríaVIGIL/Nueva-Arqueología
VIGIL, JM., También Yavé bajo el nuevo paradigma arqueológico-bíblico, en:éMaríaVIGIL/Nueva-Arqueología
VIGIL, JM., A New Vision and a New Spirituality, to Face the Coming Climate Catastrophe, at:éMaríaVIGIL/Ecocentrismo.