Elements for a sapiential reading of migrations

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Alfredo J. Gonçalves


The article aims to present some elements for a sapiential reading of migrations from the charisma of Bishop Scalabrini. The author presents these elements in a sociopastoral reading of the migrations, taking into account the experience of Scalabrini in his encounter with emigrants in Milan and the development of the charisma unleashed from this experience.


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How to Cite
Gonçalves, A. J. (2021). Elements for a sapiential reading of migrations. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 26(2), 231–240. Retrieved from https://espacos.itespteologia.com.br/espacos/article/view/230
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Author Biography

Alfredo J. Gonçalves

Vice-Superior Geral da Congregação dos Missionários de São Carlos.


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