Elements for reflection between "theological doing" and ecclesial structure, based on the reference of Francis

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Alzirinha Rocha de Souza


The maintenance of a science over time is got, beyond other reasons, by the need for its constant epistemological review, and in relation to Theology this is not different. It is in this sense that this article aims to present, from the thinking of Jose Comblin, and of the reflection on Francisco's practice, essential elements that build certain types of theology and what their consequences may be in the ecclesiological construction. In fact, we want to show to what extent these two strands are closely related and allow or not the signs of the kingdom of God to emerge in the process of history.


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How to Cite
Souza, A. R. de. (2019). Elements for reflection between "theological doing" and ecclesial structure, based on the reference of Francis. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 25(1 e 2), 53–64. Retrieved from https://espacos.itespteologia.com.br/espacos/article/view/51
Seção Artigos
Author Biography

Alzirinha Rocha de Souza

Doutora em teologia e professora no ITESP.