MIGRATION, RELIGION AND INTERCULTURAL HEALTH: Therapeutic itineraries of Warao in Brasil and Venezuela

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Mariana do Amaral Campos
Vivian Valério Dias
Cristóbal Emilio Abarca Brown


Latin America and the Caribbean face an unprecedented process of internal migration linked to political and economic conflicts on a global scale. The following article analyzes the case of the Warao indigenous peoples who traditionally inhabit the Orinoco delta (Venezuela), but currently face intense displacement towards the south of the continent, especially to the Brazilian national territory. From a transnational perspective, we will study the practices and therapeutic itineraries that chosen by the Warao to treat their health / disease processes in the light of their belief or religious system. The research identifies inherent limitations of the national state to understand the intercultural complexity of indigenous peoples in the contemporary context of globalization, specifically in health system institutions and political-administrative barriers of the frontier.


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How to Cite
Campos, M. do A., Dias, V. V., & Brown, C. E. A. (2020). MIGRATION, RELIGION AND INTERCULTURAL HEALTH:: Therapeutic itineraries of Warao in Brasil and Venezuela. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 27(2), 241–251. Retrieved from https://espacos.itespteologia.com.br/espacos/article/view/701
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Author Biographies

Mariana do Amaral Campos

Mestranda em Economia e Política Mundial na Universidade Federal do ABC.

Vivian Valério Dias

Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela PUCSP.

Cristóbal Emilio Abarca Brown

Mestrando em medicina na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Escola Paulista de Medicina)


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