Pope Francis' synodal Path to an economic ethics of care

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Elizeu da Conceição


The article aims to relate the proposed meeting of economics students called by the Pope with the synodal style of his pontificate. The author makes this approach and highlights the possibility of young people, students of economics, waking up to the perspective of economics that turns to life, that does not exclude anyone or deprive creation. The event shows itself as a synodal proposal because it proposes to debate ideas and to make room for a pact in view of a humanly viable world. The involvement of young people, as main participants, overcomes the risk of thinking about the future in which they consider themselves simply recipients; they are living and active members of this ever-changing society. The call, therefore, is for them to walk together in building a society in which the economy has a more human face.


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How to Cite
Conceição, E. da. (2020). Pope Francis’ synodal Path to an economic ethics of care. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 28(1), 7–20. Retrieved from https://espacos.itespteologia.com.br/espacos/article/view/715
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Author Biography

Elizeu da Conceição

Bacharel em Teologia pelo ITESP e em Filosofia, pela PUCCamp. Mestre em teologia Pastoral, com especialização em Pastoral Juvenil e doutorando em Teologia pela Università Pontificia Salesiana di Roma