Challenges and questions of the current proclamation of the Gospel
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Being passionate about the Gospel is expressed in the mission of every true disciple who follows Jesus Christ. The current context with its challenges becomes a propitious moment to announce hope and faith in society. This mission is complex due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the temptations and obstacles that pastoral agents face in their daily lives and the very structure of society that excludes the poor, those that do not fit the consumption profile. Building peace, protecting the weak and dialoguing with everyone seems to be increasingly difficult when the system prevents it. For this reason, there is a need of walking together, dialoguing with each other, that is, society, the State and non-Catholic brothers.
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González Martínez, S. E. (2020). Challenges and questions of the current proclamation of the Gospel. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 28(2), 209–221. Retrieved from
Seção Dossiê
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