Mystique, spirituality and pandemic

Main Article Content

Maria Clara Lucchesi Bingemer


In this article the author reflects on mystique, spirituality and the pandemic of the COVID-19. The reflection deals with the possibilities that we must learn from the pandemic moment based on mystique and spirituality without ignoring the objectivity of the sciences regarding the situation. By highlighting essential testimonies so that life can continue to happen, the author opens up hopeful perspectives based on the weaknesses and precariousness of everyday human life, amplified in times such as we are living.


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How to Cite
Bingemer, M. C. L. (2020). Mystique, spirituality and pandemic. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 28(2), 257–269. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Maria Clara Lucchesi Bingemer

Teóloga pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana  e professora titular no Departamento de Teologia da PUC-Rio.