The development of the religious subject to political subject in the neopentecostal

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André Magalhães Coelho


The scenario of recent times demanded from researchers in the humanities area an effort to understand the current politics in Brazil, as well as its development in Latin America. There is the engagement of neopentecostal churches in current politics and the organization and influence of these religious groups in the government, both in political and electoral matters, in the candidacy of President Jair Messias Bolsonaro. The present work aims to investigate if there is a shift from religious discourse, with its rites and promises, to a political discourse, which uses religion in the elaboration of a moralistic bias when asserting itself as a representative of the divine, solutions and promises. For this study, bibliographic readings are used, in addition to the use of the internet, which provides new opportunities for researchers, requiring the reinvention of current research processes and techniques without abandoning, however, the already consolidated perspectives.


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How to Cite
Coelho, A. M. (2021). The development of the religious subject to political subject in the neopentecostal. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 29(1), 59–75. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

André Magalhães Coelho

Mestre em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e doutorando em Ciência da Religião pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Bacharel em Teologia pela Faculdade de Teologia Integrada FATIN.


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